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- Find a quiet place
- Sit comfortably with your shoulders down, your back tall
- Place your hands on your lap or on your knees, palms facing upwards
- Close your eyes
- Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your nose steadily, evenly, naturally
- Be aware of your physical body, scan it from your head to your toes
- Be aware of your breath, the oxygen going to your vital organs, your heart, your lungs, your brain
- Be aware of your emotions and your mind and the stillness and clarity of being in the present
- Be aware of the love you have for yourself, for others, for mother nature, for the universe
- Say OM three times, out loud or silently – for yourself, for others, for the entire universe
- With your hands in prayer in front of your heart say Namaste or thank you to yourself for making the time and space simply for yourself